The Interaction Between Genes and Environment in Determining Health and Education Inequalities: the Impact of in Utero Exposure to Nicotine on Weight and Cognition Later in Life
SeriesPhD Lunch Seminars
SpeakerRita Dias Pereira (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
FieldEmpirical Microeconomics
LocationErasmus University Rotterdam, Polak Building, Room 2-04
Rotterdam -
Date and time
March 19, 2019
13:00 - 14:00
Abstract: There is a vast medical literature exploring the consequences of in-utero exposure to nicotine. This paper makes use of an innovative approach in an attempt to solve two of the most common issues in this literature: the under reporting of smoking and its endogenous character. First, we use a measure of cotinine, a biomarker of nicotine, in order to account for underreporting of smoking during pregnancy. We find that the self-reported level of smoking is 23% while 33% of the mothers had enough cotinine in their urine to be considered active smokers. Second, to deal with the endogeneity of smoking, we instrument the decision to smoke during pregnancy with a single SNP located in the nicotine receptor gene CHRNA3. Finally, we explore heterogeneous effects across children with different genetic susceptibilities with respect to educational attainment and weight.