Directing Job Search: Results from Large Scale Experiments
Speaker(s)Luc Behaghel (Paris School of Economics, France)
FieldEmpirical Microeconomics
LocationTinbergen Institute Amsterdam, room 1.61
Amsterdam -
Date and time
June 14, 2022
15:30 - 16:30
Abstract: We analyze the employment effects of directing job seekers' applications towards establishments likely to recruit, building upon an existing Internet platform developed by the French public employment service. Our two-sided randomization design, with about 1.2 million job seekers and 100,000 establishments, allows to precisely estimate supply- and demand-side effects. We find a 2% increase in job finding rates among women, while establishments advertised on the website increase their hiring on indefinite duration contracts by 3%. Joint paper with Sofia Dromundo, Marc Gurgand, Yagan Hazard and Thomas Zuber.