Speaker(s)Daphné Skandalis (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
FieldEmpirical Microeconomics
December 13, 2022
Motherhood and the Cost of Job Search
Why do women experience a persistent drop in employment and wages upon
becoming mothers? To highlight some of the mechanisms on the labor supply side,
we study the changes in search behavior associated with motherhood. We combine
two rich sources of information on the search behavior of 400,00 involuntarily
unemployed workers in France. First, we use a mandatory survey to measure their
selectivity in wage and non-wage amenities. Second, we track the job
applications sent on a popular online platform, to measure their search
intensity and analyze the precise timing of their search activities. We start
by documenting that mothers are more selective than observationally similar
women with no children for all non-wage amenities, but equally selective in
terms of wages. We also document that mothers send 9% fewer job applications.
We then analyze the timing of search activities at a high-frequency: we show
that motherhood generates systematically larger drops in job applications in
the hours of the day when children are not at school. In addition, we analyze a
reform which introduced school time on Wednesday in France in 2013-14 (instead
of having Wednesdays off): we show the reform increased the number of
applications sent by mothers, especially on Wednesdays. We use a simple partial
equilibrium search model to help rationalize our empirical findings. Consistent
with prior literature, our evidence suggests that motherhood increases the
opportunity cost of market work. But our high-frequency results allow us to highlight
another channel: motherhood also increases the (opportunity) cost of job
search. This second channel has important implications for the welfare cost of
motherhood and the policies that can reduce gender inequality in earnings.” Joint with Arnaud Philippe.