CCC Meeting
PhD students from the University of Nottingham (CeDEx), University of East Anglia (CBESS) and University of Amsterdam (CREED)
PhD students from the University of Nottingham (CeDEx), University of East Anglia (CBESS) and University of Amsterdam (CREED)
Yuan Yue
Bertille Antoine (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Lorenzo Stanghellini (University of Florence, Italy)
Peter Bossaerts (University of Melbourne, Australia and Cambridge University, United Kingdom)
Abhishek Ananth (Cornell University, United States)
Juan Dubra (University of Montevideo, Uruguay)
Christopher Neilson (Princeton University, United States)
Denis Kojevnikov (Tilburg University)
Jonathan Schulz (George Mason University, United States)
Martijn Boons (Tilburg University)
Esmée Zwiers (Princeton University, United States)
Manisha Shah (UCLA, United States)
Yi He
Matthias Haentjens (Leiden University) and Ross Spence (Leiden University and AFM)
Cecilia Machado (FGV-EPGE, Brazil)
Sebastian Doerr (Bank for International Settlements)
Sonia Bhalotra (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)
Nestor Parolya (TU Delft)
Eva Janssens (University of Amsterdam)