The Structure of Ownership in Family Firms: the Case of Family Trusts
Joseph Fan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- TI Finance Research Seminars
Joseph Fan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Rutger Poldermans (University of Amsterdam) and Anghel Negriu (University of Amsterdam)
Simin He (University of Amsterdam) and Lydia Geijtenbeek (University of Amsterdam)
Robin Lumsdaine (American University, United States)
Mario Milone (Universite Paris Dauphine, France)
Yuyu Zeng (VU University of Amsterdam) and Sabina Albrecht (University of Amsterdam)
Jérôme Adda (Bocconi University, Italy)
Partha Sen (University of Delhi, India)
Serdar Ozkan (Federal Reserve Board, United States)
Jennifer Reinganum (Vanderbilt University, United States) and Andrew F. Daughety (Vanderbilt University, United States)
Robin Doettling (University of Amsterdam) and Paul Muller (VU University Amsterdam)
Adrien Verdelhan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States)
Sabine Elmiger (University of Zurich, Switzerland))
Zhaokun Zhang (VU University Amsterdam) and Sylvia Bleker (VU University Amsterdam)
Kristiina Huttunen (Aalto University, Finland)
Ryan Kellogg (University of Michigan, United States)
Herve Moulin (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Dagfinn Rime (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway)
Julien Pinter (University of Amsterdam) and Maximilian Hoyer (University of Amsterdam)
Annalisa Scognamiglio (University of Naples, Italy)