Title to be announced
Simon Galle (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway)
- Research on Monday
Simon Galle (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway)
To be announced
Glenn Schepens (ECB, Germany)
Irem Güçeri (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Julia Cajal Grossi (Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland)
Luca Dedola (ECB, Germany)
Nuno Palma (University Of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Eleonora Guarnieri (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
John Morrow (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom)
Maurizio Zanardi (University of Sussex, United Kingdom)
Elliott Weder
Jeff Campbell (University of Notre Dame, United States and Tilburg University)
Director of Graduate Studies and students
Timo Boppart (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Sarah Clifford (University of Oxford, United Kingdom), Lucie Gadenne (Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom), Benjamin Lockwood (The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, United States) and Paolo G. Piacquadio (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Martin Ellison (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Dirk Schindler
Mathieu Parenti (Paris School of Economics, France)
Floris Zoutman (NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Norway)
Marcus Rösch