Flexible Mixture-amount and Mixture-process Variable Models for Choice Data
Aiste Ruseckaite (EUR)
- PhD Lunch Seminars
Aiste Ruseckaite (EUR)
Paulo Rodrigues (Bank of Portugal, Portugal)
Nicola Gennaioli (Bocconi University, Italy)
James J. Reade (University of Reading, United Kingdom)
Stefan Obernberger (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Liyan Yang (University of Toronto, Canada)
Darren Kisgen (Boston College, United States)
Vernon Henderson (University of London, United Kingdom)
Dion Bongaerts
Govert Bijwaard (NIDI, the Netherlands)
Robert Moffitt (Johns Hopkins University, United States)
Dan Rees (University of Colorado, Denver, United States)
Mattia Nardotto (University of Cologne, Germany)
Xiaoyun Yu (Indiana University, United States)
Balazs Szentes (LSE, United Kingdom)
Dion Bongaerts (Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
Roman Liesenfeld (Universität Köln, Germany)
Bent Nielsen (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Sandra Poncet (University Paris 1, France)
David Huffman (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)