Landing on Water: Air Interdiction, Drug-Trafficking Displacement, and Violence in the Brazilian Amazon
Rodrigo R. Soares (Insper Institute of Education and Research, Brazil)
- Research on Monday
Rodrigo R. Soares (Insper Institute of Education and Research, Brazil)
Daniele Nosenzo (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Lorenzo Pozzi
Annalivia Polselli (University of Essex, United Kingdom and visiting-fellow Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Ana Balsa (University of Montevideo, Uruguay)
Stefan Bauernschuster (University of Passau, Germany)
Dirk Schindler , Ruby Doeleman (WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria)
Banu Demir (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Elisa de Weerd
Gianmarco Ottaviano (Bocconi University, Italy)
Daniel Hauser (Aalto University, Finland)
Nadine Ketel
Laia Bosque-Mercader (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Laura Khoury (Universite Paris Dauphine-PSL, France)
Jason Sockin (IZA - Institute of Labor Economics, Germany; Cornell University, US)
Torben Heien Nielsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Ida Lykke Kristiansen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Michael Vlassopoulos (University of Southampton, United Kingdom)
Bernhard van der Sluis, Simon Donker van Heel , Roby Cremers, Mette Wagenvoort (Erasmus University Rotterdam)