The Stock Market, Product Uniqueness, and Comovement of Peer Firms
Gordon Phillips (University of Maryland)
- TI Finance Research Seminars
Gordon Phillips (University of Maryland)
David Thesmar (HEC)
Harry van der Weijde ( VU University)
Pedro Cantos Sanchez (University of Valencia)
Denis Gromb (INSEAD)
Henri Servaes (LBS)
Suzanne van der Ster ( Erasmus University)
Stefan Nagel (Stanford University)
Michael Brennan (UCLA)
Giorgio Brunello (University of Padova)
Natalya Martynova (University of Amsterdam)
Robert Smith (University of Michigan)
Yu Gao
Viorel Roscovan (RSM, EUR)
Jan Zabojnik (Queen's University)
Mikhail Drugov (Madrid)
Chen Li (EUR)
Marcin Jaskowski (University of Vienna)
Giancarlo Corsetti (University of Cambridge) NIAS Willem F. Duisenberg Fellow
Zdravko Botev (University of South Wales, Sydney, Australia)