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479 key alumni publications

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  • Offerman, T., Sonnemans, J. and Schram, A. (1996). Value orientations, expectations and voluntary contributions in public goods Economic Journal, 106(437):817--845.
  • Boswijk, H. (1996). Testing identifiablility of cointegrating vectors Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 14(2):153--160.
  • Frank Windmeijer (1996). R-squared measures for count data regression models with applications to health-care utilization Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.

  • Hoek, H., Lucas, A.(. and van Dijk, H. (1995). Classical and Bayesian aspects of robust unit root inference Journal of Econometrics, 69:27--59.
  • Koning, P., Ridder, G. and Van Den Berg, GerardJ. (1995). Structural and frictional unemployment in an equilibrium search model with heterogeneous agents Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10(1 S):S133--S151.
  • Lucas, A. (1995). An outlier robust unit root test with an application to the extended Nelson-Plosser data Journal of Econometrics, 66(1-2):153--173.
  • Shuangze Liu (1995). The heteroskedastic linear regression model and the Hadamard product a note Journal of Econometrics.

  • Boswijk, H. (1995). Conditional and structural error correction models: Reply Journal of Econometrics, 69(1):173--175.
  • Boswijk, H. (1995). Efficient inference on cointegration parameters in structural error correction models Journal of Econometrics, 69(1):133--158.
  • Franses, P.H. and Boswijk, H. (1995). Periodic cointegration: representation and inference Review of Economics and Statistics, LXXVII(3):436--454.
  • van den Berg, G.J., Lindeboom, M. and Ridder, G. (1994). Attrition in Longitudinal Panel Data and the Empirical Analysis of Dynamic Labour Market Behaviour Journal of Applied Econometrics, 9(4):421--435.
  • Franses, P.H. and Haldrup, N. (1994). The effects of additive outliers on tests for unit roots and cointegration Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 12:471--478.
  • Franses, P.H. (1994). A multivariate approach to modeling univariate seasonal time series Journal of Econometrics, 63:133--151.
  • Boswijk, H. (1994). Testing for an unstable root in conditional and structural error correction models Journal of Econometrics, 63:37--60.
  • Harvey, A. and Koopman, S.J. (1993). Forecasting hourly electricity demand using time–varying splines Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(424):1228--1236.
  • Albert Jolink (1993). Economic Equilibrium in the History of Science: Reviewing the Invisible Hand The Economic Journal.

  • Harvey, AndrewC. and Koopman, S.J. (1992). Diagnostic checking of unobserved- components time series models Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 10(4):377--389.
  • den Butter, F.A.G. and Mourik, T. (1990). Seasonal adjustment using structural time series models; an application and a comparison with the Census X-11 method Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 8(4):385--394.
  • Kooiman, P., van Dijk, H. and Thurik, R. (1985). Likelihood diagnostics and Bayesian analysis of a micro-economic disequilibrium model for retail services Journal of Econometrics, 29(1-2):121--148.