Cai, X., Gautier, PieterA. and Wolthoff, RonaldP. (2017). Search frictions, competing mechanisms and optimal market segmentation Journal of Economic Theory, 169:453--473.
46 Key Publications
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Gresik, ThomasA., Schindler, D. and Schjelderup, G. (2017). Immobilizing corporate income shifting: Should it be safe to strip in the harbor? Journal of Public Economics, 152:68--78.
Koopman, S. and Mesters, G. (2017). Empirical Bayes Methods for Dynamic Factor Models Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(3):486--498.
Javorcik, B. and Poelhekke, S. (2017). Former Foreign Affiliates: Cast Out and Outperformed? Journal of the European Economic Association, 15(3):501--539.
Jacobs, B., Jongen, E. and Zoutman, F. (2017). Revealed social preferences of Dutch political parties Journal of Public Economics, 156:81--100.
Boring, A. (2017). Gender biases in student evaluations of teaching Journal of Public Economics, 145:27--41.