Home | News | Placement Bastian Ravesteijn: Harvard University
News | August 13, 2015

Placement Bastian Ravesteijn: Harvard University

PhD student Bastian Ravesteijn has accepted a position at Harvard University. He will start on September 1 as a Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice at the department of Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School.

Bastian is an alumnus of the TI MPhil program (2011) and a PhD candidate in economics at the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). Bastian’s research interests include health economics, labor economics, and microeconometrics.

The title of his PhD Thesis is ‘Essays on the Impact of Public Policy on Socioeconomic Health Disparities”, written under the supervision of TI fellow professor Eddy van Doorslaer (EUR) and to be defended in the second half of 2015.