Home | News | Fellow Hans Koster receives Van der Knaap Prize
News | September 14, 2015

Fellow Hans Koster receives Van der Knaap Prize

TI Fellow Hans Koster received the Van der Knaap Prize for his dissertation on “The Internal Structure of Cities: The Economics of Agglomeration, Amenities and Accessibility”.

His dissertation researches the economic forces that shape the internal structure of cities, such as agglomeration economies, which may occur when firms cluster together at specific locations, and urban amenities, which attract households to cities. De Van der Knaap Prize (€ 10.000) is awarded by the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen) and is established to encourage and support young researchers in the areas of economic and social geography, and urban and regional economics. The award ceremony will be held on October 28 in Haarlem.

Hans Koster (1987) is an assistant professor at the department of spatial economics, VU Amsterdam. He is an TI alumnus and received his PhD in 2013 from the VU Amsterdam and was awarded the prestigious August Lösch Prize 2014 for his dissertation. Hans also holds an MSc. (cum laude) in spatial economics from VU Amsterdam.  Hans is also affiliated as  Research Associate with the Spatial Economnics Research Centre at the London School of Economics. He published in the Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Regional Science, Regional Science and Urban Economics. His research concerns the economic analysis of cities, regions and the environment. In 2014, Hans was awarded a Veni grant (€ 250.000) by NWO for his research on ‘Planning, places, prices and politics: the economics of spatial planning policy’.