Home | News | Alternative Lottery Systems for Placement at Secondary Schools in Amsterdam
News | April 15, 2014

Alternative Lottery Systems for Placement at Secondary Schools in Amsterdam

TI fellows Pieter Gautier, Bas van der Klaauw, Hessel Oosterbeek and TI alumna Monique de Haan studied a new, more efficient, lottery system for placement at secondary schools in Amsterdam.

In their report they analyzed the consequences of three lottery systems: Boston, random serial dictatorship (RSD) and deferred acceptance (DA) through a simulation study. The authors conclude that an alternative lottery system where students would list a larger number of preferred school choices would be more efficiennt than the current system.

Their research paper entitled ‘Schoolkeuze Voortgezet Onderwijs in Amsterdam: Verslag van een Simulatiestudie’ is available on the website of the OSVO, in Dutch.