Matthijs Korevaar
Matthijs Korevaar is an assistant professor of finance at the Erasmus School of Economics. He obtained his PhD from Maastricht University in 2021. His research interests are in housing markets, finance and economic history. His work has among others been published in the Journal of Urban Economics and the Review of Financial Studies. He recently obtained a Marie-Sklodowksa Curie Fellowship from the European Commission. During his fellowship, he will spend 18 months at Columbia Business School and investigate the long-term consequences of shocks to housing wealth.
Key publications

List of publications
Korevaar, M. (2023). Reaching for yield and the housing market: Evidence from 18th-century Amsterdam Journal of Financial Economics, 148(3):273--296.
Francke, M.K. and Korevaar, M. (2021). Housing Markets in a Pandemic: Evidence from Historical Outbreaks Journal of Urban Economics, 123:.
Eichholtz, P., Korevaar, M., Lindenthal, T. and Tallec, R. (2021). The Total Return and Risk to Residential Real Estate Review of Financial Studies, 34(8):.