Sabien Dobbelaere
Key publications
List of publications
Dobbelaere, S. and Mairesse, J. (2018). Comparing micro-evidence on rent sharing from two different econometric models Labour Economics, 52:18--26.
Dobbelaere, S. and Kiyota, K. (2018). Labor market imperfections, markups and productivity in multinationals and exporters Labour Economics, 53:198--212.
Dobbelaere, S. and Luttens, R. (2016). Gradual collective wage bargaining Labour Economics, 40(June):37--42.
Bartelsman, E., Dobbelaere, S. and Peters, B. (2015). Allocation of Human Capital and Innovation at the Frontier: Firm-level Evidence on Germany and the Netherlands Industrial and Corporate Change, 24(5):875--949.
Dobbelaere, S., Kiyota, K. and Mairesse, J. (2015). Product and labor market imperfections and scale economies: Micro-evidence on France, Japan and the Netherlands Journal of Comparative Economics, 43(2):290--322.
Dobbelaere, S. and Mairesse, J. (2013). Panel data estimates of the production function and product and labor market imperfections Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28(1):1--46.
Benavente, J.M., Dobbelaere, S. and Mairesse, J. (2009). Interaction between product market and labour market power: Evidence from France, Belgium and Chili Applied Economics Letters, 16(6):573--577.
Dobbelaere, S. (2004). Estimation of price-cost margins and union bargaining power for Belgian manufacturing International Journal of Industrial Organization, 22(10):1381--1398.
Dobbelaere, S. (2004). Ownership, firm size and rent sharing in Bulgaria Labour Economics, 11(2):165--189.