Raymond Gradus
Key publications
List of publications
Sebo, M., Gradus, R. and Budding, T. (2024). The impact of independent local parties on spending: Evidence from Dutch municipalities European Journal of Political Economy, :1.
Dijkgraaf, E. and Gradus, R. (2021). Are bottle banks sufficiently effective for increasing glass recycling rates? Sustainability, 13(17):1--11.
Gradus, R. (2020). Postcollection separation of plastic recycling and design-for-recycling as solutions to low cost-effectiveness and plastic debris Sustainability, 12(20):1--12.
Dijkgraaf, E. and Gradus, R. (2020). Post-collection Separation of Plastic Waste: Better for the Environment and Lower Collection Costs? Environmental and Resource Economics, 77(1):127--142.
Dijkgraaf, E. and Gradus, R. (2017). An EU Recycling Target: What Does the Dutch Evidence Tell Us? Environmental and Resource Economics, 68(3):501–526.
Gradus, R., Nillesen, P., Dijkgraaf, E. and Koppen, R.van (2017). A Cost-effectiveness Analysis for Incineration or Recycling of Dutch Household Plastic Waste Ecological Economics, 135:22--28.
Bel, G. and Gradus, R. (2016). Effects of unit-based pricing on household waste collection demand: A meta-regression analysis Resource and Energy Economics, 44(May):169--182.
Dijkgraaf, E. and Gradus, R. (2015). Efficiency Effects of Unit-based Pricing Systems and Institutional Choices of Waste Collection Environmental and Resource Economics, 61(4):641--658.
Gradus, R. and van Sonsbeek, J.M. (2013). Estimating the effect of recent disability reforms in the Netherlands Oxford Economic Papers, 65(4):832--855.
Gradus, R., Dijkgraaf, E. and de Jong, M. (2013). Competition and educational quality: evidence from the Netherlands Empirica, 40(4):607--634.
Dijkgraaf, E. and Gradus, R. (2013). Cost advantage cooperations larger than private waste collectors Applied Economics Letters, 20(7):707--705.
Gradus, R. and Dijkgraaf, E. (2009). Environmental activism and dynamics of unit-based pricing Resource and Energy Economics, 31(1):13--23.
Gradus, R. and Dijkgraaf, E. (2008). Per-unit garbages charges Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22:243--244.
Dijkgraaf, E. and Gradus, R. (2007). Explaining Sunday shop policies De Economist, 155:207--219.
Gradus, R. and Dijkgraaf, E. (2007). Fair competition in refuse collection market Applied Economics Letters, 14:701--704.
Gradus, R. and van Sonsbeek, J.M. (2006). A microsimulation analysis of the 2006 regime of Dutch disability scheme Economic Modelling, 23:427--456.
Gradus, R. and Dijkgraaf, E. (2004). Cost savings of unit-based pricing of household waste: The case of the Netherlands Resource and Energy Economics, 26:353--371.
Dijkgraaf, E., Gradus, R.H.J.M. and Melenberg, B. (2003). Contracting out refuse collection Empirical Economics, 28(3):553--570.
Dijkgraaf, E. and Gradus, R.(. (2003). Cost savings of contracting out refuse collection Empirica, 30(2):149--161.