Pierre Koning
Key publications

List of publications
Koning, P., Lindeboom, M. and Godard, M. (2024). Application and Award Responses to Stricter Screening in Disability Insurance Journal of Human Resources, 59(5):1353--1386.
Cammeraat, E., Jongen, E. and Koning, P. (2023). The added-worker effect in the Netherlands before and during the Great Recession Review of Economics of the Household, 21(1):217--243.
Cammeraat, E., Jongen, E. and Koning, P. (2022). Preventing NEETs during the Great Recession: the effects of mandatory activation programs for young welfare recipients Empirical Economics, 62(2):749--777.
Koning, P. and de Groot, N. (2022). A Burden too Big to Bear? The Effect of Experience-Rated Disability Insurance Premiums on Firm Bankruptcies and Employment The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 124(1):214--242.
Koning, P., Muller, P. and Prudon, R. (2022). Do disability benefits hinder work resumption after recovery? Journal of Health Economics, 82:1--23.
Kools, L. and Koning, P. (2019). Graded return-to-work as a stepping stone to full work resumption Journal of Health Economics, 65:189--209.
Hullegie, P. and Koning, P. (2018). How disability insurance reforms change the consequences of health shocks on income and employment Journal of Health Economics, 62:134--146.
Faber, R. and Koning, P. (2017). Why Not Fully Spend a Conditional Block Grant? International Tax and Public Finance, 24(1):60--95.
Koning, P. and van Sonsbeek, J.M. (2017). Making disability work? The effects of financial incentives on partially disabled workers Labour Economics, 47:202--215.
Kok, L., Tempelman, C., Koning, P., Kroon, L. and Berden, C. (2017). Do Incentives for Municipalities Reduce the Welfare Caseload? Evaluation of a Welfare Reform in the Netherlands De Economist, 165(1):23--42.
Koning, P. and de Groot, N. (2016). Assessing the Effects of Disability Insurance Experience Rating. The Case of The Netherlands Labour Economics, 41(August):304--317.
Koning, P. and Lindeboom, M. (2015). The Rise and Fall of Disability Enrollment in the Netherlands Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(2):151--172.
Koning, P., Webbink, D. and Martin, N. (2015). The Effect of Education on Smoking Behavior: New Evidence for Smoking Durations of a Sample of Twins Empirical Economics, 48(4):1479--1497.
Koning, P. (2015). Making Work Pay for the Indebted? Assessing the Effects of Debt Services on the Exit Rates of Welfare Recipients Labour Economics, 34(June):152--161.
Koning, P. and van de Meerendonk, A. (2014). The Impact of Scoring Weights on Price and Quality Outcomes: An Application to the Procurement of Welfare-to-Work Services European Economic Review, 71(October):1--14.
Koning, P. and van der Wiel, K. (2013). Ranking the schools: How school-quality information affects school choice in the Netherlands Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(2):466--493.
Koning, P. (2013). Introduction to De Economist Special Issue “Retirement and Employment Opportunities for Older Workers” De Economist, 161(3):219--224.
Shestalova, V., Bijlsma, M. and Koning, P. (2013). The Effect of Competition on Process and Outcome Quality of Hospital Care in the Netherlands De Economist, 161(1):121--155.
Koning, P. and Raterink, M. (2013). Re-employment Rates of Older Unemployed Workers: Decomposing the Effect of Birth Cohorts and Policy Changes De Economist, 161(3):331--348.
Koning, P. (2012). Contracting Welfare-to-Work Services Economics Letters, 114(3):349--352.
Koning, P. and van der Wiel, K. (2012). School Responsiveness to Quality Rankings. An Empirical Analysis of Secondary Education in the Netherlands De Economist, 160(4):339--355.
Vyrastekova, J., Onderstal, S. and Koning, P. (2012). Self-selection and the power of incentive schemes: An experimental study Applied Economics, 44(32):4211--4219.
Webbink, D., Vujic, S., Koning, P. and Martin, N. (2012). The effect of childhood conduct disorder on human capital Health Economics, 21(8):928--945.
Koning, P. and van Vuuren, D.J. (2010). Disability Insurance and Unemployment Insurance as Substitute Pathways Applied Economics, 42(5):575--588.
Vollaard, B. and Koning, P. (2009). The effect of police on crime, disorder and victim precaution. Evidence from a Dutch victimization survey International Review of Law and Economics, 29(4):336--348.
Koning, P. (2009). Experience rating and the inflow into disability insurance De Economist, 157(3):315--335.
Koning, P. (2009). The effectiveness of Public Employment Service workers in the Netherlands Empirical Economics, 37(2):393--409.
Koning, P. (2008). Not-for-profit provision of job training and mediation services: An empirical analysis using contract data of job training service providers De Economist, 156(3):221--239.
Koning, P., Noailly, J. and Visser, S. (2007). Do not-for-profits make a difference in social services? A survey study De Economist, 155(3):251--270.
van Leuvensteijn, M. and Koning, P. (2004). The effect of home-ownership on labor mobility in the Netherlands Journal of Urban Economics, 55(3):580--596.
Koning, P., Ridder, G. and Van Den Berg, GerardJ. (1995). Structural and frictional unemployment in an equilibrium search model with heterogeneous agents Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10(1 S):S133--S151.