Maarten Lindeboom
Key publications

List of publications
Koning, P., Lindeboom, M. and Godard, M. (2024). Application and Award Responses to Stricter Screening in Disability Insurance Journal of Human Resources, 59(5):1353--1386.
Atella, V., di Porto, E., Kopinska, J. and Lindeboom, M. (2024). Traumatic Experiences Adversely Affect Life Cycle Labor Market Outcomes of the Next Generation—Evidence from Wwii Nazi Raids Journal of the European Economic Association, 22(2):963--1009.
Deng, Z. and Lindeboom, M. (2022). A bit of salt, a trace of life: Gender norms and the impact of a salt iodization program on human capital formation of school aged children Journal of Health Economics, 83:1--22.
Deng, Z. and Lindeboom, M. (2022). Early-life famine exposure, hunger recall, and later-life health Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37(4):771--787.
Lindeboom, M. and Montizaan, R. (2020). Disentangling retirement and savings responses Journal of Public Economics, 192:1--15.
Lindeboom, M., van der Klaauw, B. and Vriend, S. (2020). Audit regimes in long-term care Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 176:272--298.
Duell, D., Lindeboom, M., Koolman, X. and Portrait, F. (2019). Practice variation in long-term care access and use: The role of the ability to pay Health Economics, 28(11):1277--1292.
van den Berg, GerardJ., Gerdtham, UlfG., von Hinke, S., Lindeboom, M., Lissdaniels, J., Sundquist, J. and Sundquist, K. (2017). Mortality and the business cycle: Evidence from individual and aggregated data Journal of Health Economics, 56:61--70.
Krabbe-Alkemade, Y.JFM, Groot, T.LCM and Lindeboom, M. (2017). Competition in the Dutch hospital sector: an analysis of health care volume and cost The European Journal Of Health Economics, 18(2):139--153.
Scholte, R., van den Berg, G.J., Lindeboom, M. and Deeg, D. (2017). Does the Size of the Effect of Adverse Events at High Ages on Daily-Life Physical Functioning Depend on the Economic Conditions Around Birth? Health Economics, 26(1):86--103.
Lindeboom, M., Llena-Nozal, A. and van der Klaauw, B. (2016). Health shocks, disability and work Labour Economics, 43:186--200.
Lindeboom, M., van der Klaauw, B. and Vriend, S. (2016). Audit rates and compliance: a field experiment in care provision Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 131-part B(November):160--173.
Bolhaar, J., Lindeboom, M. and van der Klaauw, B. (2015). Insurance search, switching behavior and the role of group contracts De Economist, 163(1):25--60.
Koning, P. and Lindeboom, M. (2015). The Rise and Fall of Disability Enrollment in the Netherlands Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(2):151--172.
Scholte, R., van den Berg, G.J. and Lindeboom, M. (2015). Long-run effects of gestation during the Dutch Hunger Winter famine on labor market and hospitalization outcomes Journal of Health Economics, 39(Jan):17--30.
Yeung, G., van den Berg, G.J., Lindeboom, M. and Portrait, F. (2014). The impact of Early Life Economic Conditions on Cause Specfic Mortality During Adulthood Journal of Population Economics, 27(3):895--919.
Lindeboom, M., von Gaudecker, H.K.G., Coe, N. and Maurer, J. (2012). The effect of retirement on cognitive functioning Health Economics, 21(8):913--927.
Lindeboom, M., Montizaan, R. and de Grip, A. (2012). Shattered Dreams: The effect of Changing the Pensions System Late in the Game Economic Journal, 122(559):1--25.
Bolhaar, J., van der Klaauw, B. and Lindeboom, M. (2012). A dynamic analysis of the demand for health insurance and health care European Economic Review, 56(4):669--690.
de Jong, Ph., Lindeboom, M. and van der Klaauw, B. (2011). Screening disability insurance applications Journal of the European Economic Association, 9(1):106--129.
van den Berg, G.J., Lindeboom, M. and Portrait, F. (2011). Conjugal bereavement effects on health and mortality at advanced ages Journal of Health Economics, 30(4):774--794.
Lindeboom, M., Bago D'uva, T., O'Donnell, O. and van Doorslaer, E. (2011). Slipping anchor? Testing the vignettes approach to identification and correction of reporting heterogeneity Journal of Human Resources, 46(4):875--906.
Lindeboom, M., Gomez, P. and von Gaudecker, H.K.G. (2011). Health, disability and work: patterns for the working age population International Tax and Public Finance, 18(2):146--165.
van den Berg, G.J., Deeg, D., Lindeboom, M. and Portrait, F. (2010). The role of early-life conditions in the cognitive decline due to adverse events later in life Economic Journal, 120(548):F411--F428.
Lindeboom, M., Portrait, F. and van den Berg, G.J. (2010). Long-run effects on longevity of a nutritional shock early in life: The Dutch potato famine of 1846-1847 Journal of Health Economics, 29(5):617--629.
Lindeboom, M., Mendes, R. and van den Berg, G.J. (2010). An empirical assessment of assortative matching in the labor market Labour Economics, 17(6):919--929.
Lindeboom, M. and Kerkhofs, M. (2009). Health and Work of the Elderly: Subtective Health Measures, Reportnig errors and Endogeneity in the Relationship between Health and Work r Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24:1024--1046.
Lindeboom, M., Llena Nozal, A. and van der Klaauw, B. (2009). Parental education and child health: evidence from a schooling reform Journal of Health Economics, 28:109--131.
Marreiros Bago d'Uva, T., van Doorslaer, E., Lindeboom, M.(. and O'Donnell, O. (2008). Does Reporting Heterogeneity bias the Measurement of Health Disparities Health Economics, 17(3):351--375.
Portrait, F., Lindeboom, M. and van den Berg, G.J. (2006). Economic conditions early in life and individual mortality American Economic Review, 96:290--302.
Portrait, F., Nozal, A. and Lindeboom, M. (2004). The effect of work on mental health : does occupation matter? Journal of Health Economics, 13:1045--1062.
Mastrogiacomo, M., Alessie, R. and Lindeboom, M. (2004). Retirement behaviour of Dutch Elderly households Journal of Applied Econometrics, 19:777--793.
Lindeboom, M. and van Doorslaer, E. (2004). Cut-point shift and index shift in self-reported health Journal of Health Economics, 23:1083--1099.
Lindeboom, M., Portrait, F. and van den Berg, G.J. (2002). An econometric analysis of the mental-health effects of major events in the life of older individuals Health Economics, 11(6):505--520.
Lindeboom, M. and Kerkhofs, M. (2000). Multistate models for clustered duration data - An application to workplace effects on individual sickness absenteeism Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(4):668--684.
Lindeboom, M., Portrait, F. and Deeg, D. (2000). The use of long-term care services by the Dutch elderly Health Economics, 9(6):513--531.
Portrait, F., Lindeboom, M. and Deeg, D. (1999). Health and mortality of the elderly: the grade of membership method, classification and determination Health Economics, 8(5):441--457.
Lindeboom, M., Kerkhofs, M. and Theeuwes, J. (1999). Retirement, financial incentives and health Labour Economics, 6(2):203--228.
van den Berg, G.J. and Lindeboom, M. (1998). Attrition in panel survey data and the estimation of multi-state labor market models Journal of Human Resources, 33(2):458--478.
Lindeboom, M. and Kerkhofs, M. (1997). Age related health dynamics and changes in labour market status Journal of Health Economics, 6:407--423.
Kerkhofs, M. and Lindeboom, M. (1995). Subjective Health Measures and State Dependent Reporting Errors Health Economics, 4:221--235.
van den Berg, G.J., Lindeboom, M. and Ridder, G. (1994). Attrition in Longitudinal Panel Data and the Empirical Analysis of Dynamic Labour Market Behaviour Journal of Applied Econometrics, 9(4):421--435.
Lindeboom, M., Ours, J. and Renes, G. (1994). Matching Employers and Workers: an empirical analysis on the effectiveness of search Oxford Economic Papers, 46:45--67.
Lindeboom, M. and van den Berg, G.J. (1994). Heterogeneity in Models for Bivariate Survival: the imortance of the mixing distribution Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology, 56:49--60.
Lindeboom, M. and Theeuwes, J. (1993). Search, Benefits and Entitlement Economica, 60:327--346.
Lindeboom, M. and Theeuwes, J. (1991). Job Duration in the Netherlands: the co-existence of high turnover and permanent job attachment Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 53(3):243--264.
Theeuwes, J., Kerkhofs, M. and Lindeboom, M. (1990). Transition intensities in the Dutch labour market 1980-85 Applied Economics, 22(8):1043--1061.