Remco Oostendorp
Key publications

List of publications
Zhou, F. and Oostendorp, R. (2024). Big distortions, small efficiency loss: Measuring resource misallocation with complementary distortions in Vietnam Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 219:244--261.
Kunst, D., Freeman, RichardB. and Oostendorp, R. (2022). Occupational Skill Premia around the World: New Data, Patterns and Drivers Labour Economics, 79:1--40.
Oostendorp, RemcoH. (2017). Comments by Remco H. Oostendorp, on internationalization of Indian enterprises: Patterns, determinants, and policy issues Asian Economic Papers, 16(1):168--171.
Trung, L.D. and Oostendorp, RemcoH. (2017). Regional Labor Market Integration, Shadow Wages and Poverty in Vietnam World Development, 89:34--56.
Guimbert, S. and Oostendorp, R. (2016). Risk Coping by Firms during the Crisis Economic Development and Cultural Change, 65(1-October):87--118.
Zhou, F. and Oostendorp, R. (2014). Measuring True Sales and Underreporting with Matched Firm-Level Survey and Tax-Office Data Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(3):563--576.
Oostendorp, R. and Doan Hong, Q. (2013). Have the Returns to Education Really Increased in Vietnam? Wage versus Employment Effect Journal of Comparative Economics, 41(3):923--938.
Oostendorp, R. and Zaal, F. (2012). Land acquisition and the adoption of soil and water conservation techniques: A duration analysis for Kenya and the Philippines World Development, 40(6):1240--1254.
Oostendorp, R., Quoc Trung, T. and Thanh Tung, N. (2009). The changing role of non-farm household enterprises in Vietnam World Development, 37(3):632--644.
Oostendorp, R. (2009). Globalization and the gender wage gap World Bank Economic Review, 23(1):141--161.
Bigsten, A., Collier, P., Dercon, S., Fafchamps, M., Gautier, B., Gunning, J., Oduro, A., Oostendorp, R., Pattillo, C., Söderbom, M., Teal, F. and Zeufack, A. (2004). Do African Manufacturing Firms Learn from Exporting? Journal of Development Studies, 40(3):115--141.
Adegbidi, A., Gandonou, E. and Oostendorp, R. (2004). Measuring the Productivity from Indiginous Soil and Water Conservation Technologies with Household Fixed Effects: A Case Study of Hilly Mountainous Areas Benin Economic Development and Cultural Change, 52(2):313--346.
Oostendorp, R. (2004). Globalization and the Gender Gap World Bank Economic Review, 23(1):141--161.
Hoogeveen, J. and Oostendorp, R. (2003). On the Use of Cost Benefit Analysis for the Evaluation of Farm Houshold Investments in Natural Resource Conservation Environment and Development Economics, 8:331--349.
Gunning, J., Bigsten, A., Collier, P., Dercon, S., Fafchamps, M., Gauthier, B., Oduro, A., Oostendorp, R., Pattillo, C., Söderbom, M., Teal, F. and Zeufack, A. (2003). Credit Constraints in Manufacturing Enterprises in Africa Journal of African Economies, 12:104--125.
Gunning, J., Bigsten, A., Collier, P., Dercon, S., Fafchamps, M., Gauthier, B., Oduro, A., Oostendorp, R., Pattillo, C., Söderbom, M., Teal, F. and Zeufack, A. (2003). Risk Sharing in Labour Markets World Bank Economic Review, 17(4):349--366.
Oostendorp, R., Naudé, W. and Serumaga-Zake, P. (2002). South African Manufacturing in an African Context: Findings from Nine Firm-level Survey's South African Journal of Economics, 70(8):12--47.
Freeman, R. and Oostendorp, R. (2002). The Occupational Wages around the World data file International Labour Review, 140(4):379--401.
Zaal, F. and Oostendorp, R. (2002). Explaining a Miracle: Intensification and the Transition Towards Sustainable Small-scale Agriculture in Dryland Machakos and Kitui Districts, Kenya World Development, 30(7):1271--1287.
Naudé, W.A., Oostendorp, R. and Serumaga-Zake, P.A.E. (2002). South African manufacturing in an African context: Findings from firm-level surveys South African Journal of Economics, 70(8):1247--1272.
Bigsten, A., Gunning, J., Oostendorp, R. and al, E. (2000). Contract Flexibility and Conflict Resolution: Evidence from African Manufacturing Journal of Development Studies, 36:1--37.
Fafchamps, M., Gunning, J. and Oostendorp, R. (2000). Inventories and Risk in African Manufacturing Economic Journal, 110:861--893.
Bigsten, A., Gunning, J., Oostendorp, R. and al, E. (2000). Rates of Return on Physical and Human Capital in Africa's Manufacturing Sector Economic Development and Cultural Change, 48:801--827.
Bigsten, A., Collier, P., Gunning, J. and Oostendorp, R. (1999). Investment in Africa's manufacturing sector: a four country panel data analysis Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, :.