478 key alumni publications
Zoutman, F. and Jacobs, B. (2016). Optimal redistribution and monitoring of labor supply Journal of Public Economics, 135:15--31.
van Dijk, D., Lumsdaine, R. and van der Wel, M. (2016). Market set-up in advance of Federal Reserve policy rate decisions Economic Journal, 126(592):618--653.
García, J. and van Veelen, M. (2016). In and out of equilibrium I: Evolution of strategies in repeated games with discounting Journal of Economic Theory, 161:161--189.
Gerritsen, A. (2016). Optimal taxation when people do not maximize well-being Journal of Public Economics, 144:122--139.
Ketel, N., Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H. and van der Klaauw, B. (2016). The Returns to Medical School: Evidence from Admission Lotteries American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(2):225--254.
Kleibergen, F. and Zhan, Z. (2015). Unexplained factors and their effects on second pass R-squared’s Journal of Econometrics, 189(1):101--116.
Francesco Ravazzolo (2015). Macroeconomic Forecasting Performance under Alternative Specifications of Time-Varying Volatility Journal of Applied Econometrics.
Gijs van de Kuilen (2015). Belief Elicitation: A Horse Race among Truth Serums Economic Journal.
Boswijk, H., Jansson, M. and Nielsen, M. (2015). Improved likelihood ratio tests for cointegration rank in the VAR model Journal of Econometrics, 184(1):97--110.
Francesco Lippi (2015). Optimal monetary policy with heterogeneous money holdings Journal of Economic Theory.
Koning, P. and Lindeboom, M. (2015). The Rise and Fall of Disability Enrollment in the Netherlands Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(2):151--172.
Peer, S., Verhoef, E., Knockaert, J., Koster, P. and Tseng, Y. (2015). Long-Run versus Short-Run Perspectives on Consumer scheduling: Evidence from a Revealed-Preference Experiment among Peak-Hour Road Commuters International Economic Review, 56(1):303--323.
Beetsma, R., Cimadomo, J., Furtuna, O. and Giuliodori, M. (2015). The confidence effects of fiscal consolidations Economic Policy, 30(83):439--489.
Buser, T. (2015). The effect of income on religiousness American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(3):178--195.
Sebastiano Manzan (2015). Forecasting the Distribution of Economic Variables in a Data-Rich Environment Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.
van Dolder, D., van den Assem, M.J., Camerer, C. and Thaler, R. (2015). Standing United or Falling Divided? High Stakes Bargaining in a TV Game Show American Economic Review, 105(5):402--407.
Yang Zu (2015). Nonparametric specification tests for stochastic volatility models based on volatility density Journal of Econometrics.
Xianhua Hu (2015). Sequential auctions, price trends, and risk preferences Journal of Economic Theory.
Frank Windmeijer (2015). Peer effects in charitable giving: Evidence from the (Running) field Economic Journal.
Koopman, S., Lucas, A. and Scharth, M. (2015). Numerically Accelerated Importance Sampling for Nonlinear Non-Gaussian State Space Models Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 33(1):114--127.